Sunday, May 12, 2013

136. N42 the Man at Sungai Sibuga

The Sungai Sibuga Man – famous or infamous – you draw your conclusion

This is the seat of illegal CM Musa Aman in Sungai Sibuga in the Parliament Seat of Libarian N41 Gum Gum and N42  Sungai Sibuga

This is the proof of more corrupted electoral rolls ---  (see how EC cheated at counting below)

In GE 2004 -  In the Libarian seats,  Gum-Gum had 9,186 registered voters while Sungai Sibuga had 17,702.

In  GE2008 -   Gum Gum had 9,993 registered voters  while Sungai Sibuga had 21,442.

In GE2013, Gum-Gum had 11,734 registered voters while Sungai Sibuga had 28,038.

In 2013 in around Kota Kinabalu the registered voters
N12 – Karambunai  28,971;  N13 – Inanam  24,403; N14 – Likas 15,294;  N15 -
Api- Api  15,103;  N16 – Luyang 20,119; N17 Tanjung Aru 21.973; N18 Petagas 15,517; N19 Kapayan 26,767; N20 Moyog 17,556;.

Other semi rural seats like N02 – Tanjung Kapor 22,476; N04  Matunggong
19,977; N05 Tandek 22,220; N10 Sulaman 19,587;  N32 Pantai Manis 18,870; N37 Sook 16,354; Areas in Sandakan near Sungai Sibuga - N44 Karamunting  15,952; N45  Elopura  22,347; N46 Tanjung Papat;;  N50 Lahad Datu 25,232; 

The press and many people including the person himself are giving credit to Musa Aman  and very proud of the results especially in GE 2013 for the following:-

  1. N42 has the BN/UMNO highest votes in Sabah (nobody mentioned N42 has the second highest number of voters after Karambunai);
  2. N42 (28,038)  has the highest majority at 11,569. and second is N10 (19,587) Sulaman’s majority of 10,441 and third is N12 (28,971)  Karambunai’s majority 8,532.  (so all rewarded with high positions in the Cabinet).
  3. The Election Commission must have considered itself very successful in getting many people in the Electoral Rolls in N42, N10, and N12.
  4. Musa Aman has broken the jinx of 9 continuous years for CM of Sabah.

So can we consider the following known phenomenon in Sabah and elsewhere –

4.   Can we accept the electoral rolls for the very high voters especially N42 where for GE 2004 -   17,702 (already very high if compared with N41 - Gum-Gum’s 9,186); GE2008 -21,442 (N41 9,993) GE2013 -28,038 (N41 -11,734) for such unnatural increase in N42?

  1. We know how the man in Sungai Sibuga is involved in Project IC since early 1990s and how such project IC holders are ‘parked’ in N42.  This is simply exposed by Tuan Hj Jabar Khan and R. Malleh.  We await further details from RCIIIS.
  2. We know Election Commission is so capable to move voters around the constituencies especially over the last few GE2004, GE2008 and GE2013 with phantom voters especially the Project IC holders.  Marcel had filed a Writ for review on the questioned Electoral Rolls.
  3. We also know who is the ‘vacuum cleaner’ in Sabah also the Finance Minister as per the Writ on Mazu of the plaintiff.  How much has this vacuum cleaner sucked in since 1994?
  4. We also know the many cases near and far of corruption, land grabbing, abuses and much more by the man of N42 directly or indirectly.  The ‘exploded’ quarrying land in Tawau (Kukusan / Trig Hill reserve) has sort of exposed such deals.  Is the man also ‘part owner’ of the quarry firm?
  5. There are many Police Reports on Musa Aman including some by myself.

So can we consider the following proposed measures to give solution now –

  1. Can we have sight of the birth certificate of the man in N42?
  2. Can we have sight of his school leaving certificates from Sabah College and All Saints’ School?
  3. Can we have sight of his MBA certificate – an alleged fraud?
  4. Can we have an DNA certificate for his link to a famous family in Sabah?
  5.  Can we have his statements to the Police for many Police Reports lodged against him?
  6. Can he be subpoenaed to appear before RCI on Illegal Immigrants in Sabah?
  7. Can EC review the Electoral Roll of N42 and all the constituencies of Sabah?

If some people who claim to be Sabahans by birth and fully favour illegals by actions, words and conviction, are these people really genuine Sabahans? 

I have been alleged by the ILLEGAL leaders of Sabah especially by these persons since 1994 following the power grab as anti Government but I am anti ILLEGAL leaders and ILLEGAL GOVERNMENTS –Federal and State.

So I urge GENUINE SABAHANS  especially those socalled politicians and concerned  citizens stand up to make your stand now.

Please forward this VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE lest we become refugees in our own land.

Joshua Y. C. Kong
PM of IGGG Malaysia – designate.
(I have been the IGGG leader long before)
013-8394513 .

Please visit the blogs for more
  terrorists at work in Malaysia & Sabah and security failed to keep Sabah in crime-free or less crimes
Writings on the Walls Malaysia
GE13 rci on illegal immigrants in Sabah

Zero votes to BN/UMNO
Sulu terrorists in Lahad Datu.
Interim Good Governance Government Malaysia
where the present leaders are involved and yet they are in or seeking for elected offices.


Begin forwarded message:
From: Michael Delaharpe <>
Date: May 12, 2013 3:46:28 AM GMT+08:00
To: Adrian Liew <>
Subject: Fw: Fwd: How they got around the Counting Agents
Reply-To: Michael Delaharpe <>


Subject: Fwd: How they got around the Counting Agents

Michelle Ding Sue Yean
What happened?
Why did the unofficial results vary so much from the final announced ones?
I was a counting agent yesterday. Every candidate should have a Counting Agent (CA) to observe and verify the final count in the Saluran he/she is in.
This final count, recounted as many times as necessary, in front of witnesses (CA)s fr all parties contesting - is then put in a form. The Borang 14. The final count is written plainly there, and is agreed, approved and signed by reps from all parties.
And this is supposed to be final, brought to the main EC centre to be tallied. All ballot papers are sealed in bags and then in boxes. Because all the necessary recounts have already been done at each saluran. Really. We were very careful.
Now each Counting Agent will also bring this signed copy back to their party base, and the count from all the different salurans are tallied there. This is how 'unofficial' results come about.
Yesterday, by adding up all the 'scores' - it seemed like PR has won, and won big.
But no announcements were made. At the EC's main counting centres, recounts were requested on seats that BN lost in (even after all the different saluran had already confirmed the count), blackouts happened, mystery boxes appear - and then suddenly - BN candidates are winning. And then and only then, The EC comes out with official result statements: BN has won this seat, BN has won this other seat. Too dodgy.
When our country was born, the EC was formed independent from the executive, as it must be. Today, it answers to the Prime Minister Department. (Kinda like you organizing a contest, you make the rules, terms & conditions, and you are also contesting in it. After that you influence the judge's decision, and all judge's decisions are final. )
The EC has therefore, for a long time lost its voice and might I say, raison d'être. Depressing.
This is Mahathir's doing. It was during his 'far too long' reign that he constitutionally made the EC slave of the PMO.
FYI: It takes a 2/3 majority in Parliament to amend the constitution. Except for 1969, 2008, and now 2013, BN has always won 2/3 of Parliament, Sometimes even 90%. And here you don't really go against your supreme party or you get kicked out.
This is also why our constitution has been amended way too many times and usually for the benefit of a select few. BN. UMNO. And all their cronies.
The fact is:
Democracy didn't die yesterday in Malaysia, it died a long time ago. The moment the EC ceased to be independent.
We are finally realizing it, which means we are in motion to reclaim it. There is some form of respite in that, I guess. But we also know the journey ahead will not be easy. The way things are going, it looks like it will have to get a lot harder before it becomes better. For our sakes, and for our children and country - The people need to be resilient. We need to persevere.
And we need to take important steps.
Paramount to that is to urgently demand a complete reform of the Election Commission (SPR), detach it from the jurisdiction of the PMO, and give it back it's voice.
That, I think, would be a very crucial first step to resuscitate our democracy.
Sent from a mobile device. Please excuse brevity & spelling.

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