Thursday, May 9, 2013

129. Another view on the 'bloodthirsty' Najib - beware

Subject: Ungrateful Chinese, Greedy Malays - the Mamak story ?

> I like to read the Sakmongkol blog which is written by Dato Mohd Ariff Sabri , a former UMNO official. He joined DAP and stood in Raub against Hoh Khai Mun (BN). The turnout was 84.74 % and Mohd Ariff won by a majority of 2,814 votes.
> His arguments and logic are refreshing. Today I tried to visit his website but it as closed for most of the day. I managed to access it in the evening and downloaded this gem for you to read. The website was closed again shortly after that. You will know why when you read this article.
> CH
> Ungrateful Chinese, Greedy Malays
> Wednesday, 8 May 2013
> Someone asked the rhetorical question, maybe there will be traitors within UMNO asking for the resignation of Najib as UMNO president. Why not? Najib betrayed Pak Lah by orchestrating moves to ask Pak Lah to quit. He didn’t do anything to prevent Mahathir and gang from evicting squatter Pak Lah.
> Nonfeasance produces the same effect as malfeasance. He stood idly by looking at Pak Lah drowning. He was duty bound to help out drowning Pak lah, because of his proximate relationship to the PM’s post.
> Why should the UMNO members be so charitable to Najib? He wasn’t any better than Pak Lah. He got only 133 federal seats. But he spent and advertised more. Voted Najib is far less than a bill-boarded Najib. The substance is much less than the form. Long masked by emperor clothing, the real Najib is now seen as naked reality.
> Najib will face his comeuppance. Of course there will be some people asking Najib to resign. Finally they see Najib as he truly is- a weakling UMNO president long in form, but short in substance. A visionless man who thinks the solution to every problem is to pay and buy his way through. What is so special about Najib other than carrying a famous surname? That will not be an excuse for UMNO not to do the necessary and right thing. Which is to replace Najib as UMNO president.
> UMNO hasn’t learnt its lesson. It is talking as though it’s the only legitimate voice for the Malays. How many Malay votes did UMNO get in this election? BN got 5.24 million votes. If 70% of those were Malays- that meant UMNO got 3.67 million Malay votes. The total number of voters in the 13th GE was 11.26 million. If 70% of those were Malays, then there were 7.88 million Malay voters. The math says, 4.21 million Malay voters did not vote for UMNO. More Malays rejected UMNO than supported it.
> So for whom does UMNO speak for?
> It still speaks for the ruling and rich elite who have succeeded to dupe pliant rural Malay mass. The greedy Malays are in the UMNO group, not in the group that see UMNO as it truly is- an UMNO.20 that has deviated from its original objectives.
> UMNO hasn’t got a monopoly as voice for the Malays. The Malay in PKR, in PAS and even in DAP isn’t less a Malay than the UMNO Malay. The socially aware Malay is more Malay than his socially ignorant country cousin. The latter is the Malay type UMNO wants to keep-pliant as a result of being ignorant, poor and fearful.
> So UMNO feeds off the fear, ignorance and poverty of a pliant Malay mass who are made to believe, their plight is caused by the ungrateful Chinese and greedy urban cousins. Their plight in fact is caused by the policies of UMNO since 1988 which ushered in an economy driven by corruption, meant for cronies.
> The agitators- the spokesman for the UMNO and BN Oligarchs, are now asking, Malays to show their Malayness by unleashing a bloodbath? Don’t- we are walking right into a trap set by an insecure elite. Malays don’t prove anything about their Malayness by expressing murderous intentions.
> Najib is speaking like the liar he is- pleading for national reconciliation one day, and blaming other races the next day. Or does he actually mean reconciliation of Malay race as in unifying different thinking Malays in this country under his leadership? 
> PAS has expressed a desire to unite a while back with the condition that Najib resigns and let another more acceptable and conciliatory Malay take his place. Will Najib make this sacrifice if he is indeed talking about reconciliation.
> Success has many fathers. Failure is an orphan. The knives are already out. Najib failed to get 2/3 of the parliamentary seats and he performed worse than Pak Lah. Najib looked dejected when making statement about BN’s pyrrhic victory. It was achieved at a monumental cost. Najib spent billions and promised the sky to the people. Yet he managed to get 133 federal seats.
> How did he explain it? He took on a racist slant in his explanation- blaming the Chinese who deserting BN. what has MCA done all these years? Fattening themselves and leeching on wealth generating resources and opportunities?  The funny thing- UMNO finds nothing wrong cavorting with MCA but faults PAS for having a working relationship with DAP.
> So Najib asks what do the Chinese want? They want nothing of UMNO and BN. they want another government is the answer. The rural Malays are a bit slower catching up to the game changing political shifts but as they grow more sophisticated in their thinking, loyalty to UMNO or to any political party will be conditional too. It will come.
> Pak lah got 140 while he was sleeping. While sleeping, Najib plotted behind the scene to get rid of pak lah. He stayed silent while Mahathir went on and on to demolish Pak Lah. You see, Najib is only a team player when the whole team supports only him. Once you are out, you are entirely forgotten.
> That was what happened to Mat Taib , the former Selangor MB . He was a popular MB of Selangor, was UMNO’s information chief, and was a former UMNO VP- he was treated like an ostracised man. Najib treated him such. Once he announced he’s leaving UMNO for PAS, that move ended Najib’s dream of recapturing Selangor.
> Najib is getting his punishment.  He will suffer his extreme suffering when he will be ousted as UMNO president come next UMNO GA.
> Najib got 133 seats while fully awake and spent so many billions. Najib has led UMNO to its worse defeat and I hope UMNO whose motto is agama, bangsa dan tanah air, will know how to do a clinical bloodletting.
> It’s a matter of time, before the rural Malays become aware they have been had. Najib is feigning innocence for making incendiary racist statements. UMNO people has been responsible for instilling the climate of fear among rural Malays. They have taught the 65% Malay population to fear the 24% Chinese population. UMNO leaders were responsible for teaching 65% Muslims to fear a 19% Christian population.
> Its time rural Malays become aware that democracy is about the exercising of choice. Limited choice means limited democracy.
> UMNO is responsible for its own loss because it limits everything for the Malay. Access to wealth generating means is restricted to the elite rich and powerful. The mental horizon is limited by satisfying and managing low level expectation of the Malays. UMNO knows this and capitalised on this.
> Take for example the Felda business model. When Tun Razak started the business model, it was to place wealth generating means- land directly into the hands of settlers. The settlers toiled the land, paying whatever debt they incurred along the way. The land they now got, they get through blood sweat and tears. Not UMNO charity. And never free.
> The land wasn’t given to them by UMNO. They earned every inch of them. Tun Razak didn’t create Felda in order to create million of enslaved Malays. He wanted to give them choice exercising democracy through ownership of wealth generating means. The son is now taking that away from them.
> For federal seats, BN polled 5,237,699 votes to the Pakatan Rakyat parties’ combined 5,623,984 ballots. The three-party pact of PKR, PAS and DAP also surpassed BN in state seats, pulling in 4,879,699 to the 13-member coalition’s 4,513,997 ballots. Official turnout for Election 2013 was 84.84 per cent or 11,257,147 voters.
> On what basis does Najib claim victory? UMNO and BN are ruling on a stolen victory that must be returned back to the people. Don’t go blaming a “Chinese tsunami” as reason behind BN ceding more ground to the opposition for an electoral showing worse than the previous low of 2008.
> Listen to this puke-inducing statement- “I think they were taken in by some of the undertakings given by the opposition... and that’s why there was that swing.... and a lot of sentiments there, some of them racial in nature, that were being played up in this election, which is not very healthy for this country,”
> And then unconsciously receded into a defense mode by saying
> “I expected it but I did not expect it to this extent. None of us expected it to this extent. But despite the extent of the swing against us, BN did not fall,” he added.

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