Can we forget or forgive those who make those very damaging and disparaging remarks and plenty of them come from UMNO/BN leaders?
Najib did say with the kris in mid air over his head looking for the BLOOD of Chinese in one of the UMNO general assembly..
Harris Salleh did say that he did not need chinese votes in Sandakan after 1981 and now Hassnar confirmed that HS did at least 125,000 genuine identity cards by HNR3 to illegal immigrants. HS stated at the RCI hearing that there was no PROJECT IC.
Now we have this Zul Nordin and many others in his peers doing such things against others....
Joshua declared that these traitors are to be put to rest politically.
Najib: Zul Noordin will take care of Indians' welfare
chairperson Najib Abdul Razak today attempted to douse the anger over
Perkasa vice-president Zulkifli Noordin's disparaging remarks about
Hindus, claiming that Indians have now warmed up to him."Forget about the remarks he has made. He has apologised. Let it be," the caretaker prime minister said in Shah Alam as he stressed that the statements were made when Zulkifli was part of a "backward" party.
He claimed that Zulkifli has vowed to take care of the welfare of Indians in the constituency.
"Indians want temples, schools. He told me he wants to get them what they want," Najib added.
He was speaking during a walkabout campaign in Kota Raja and Shah Alam earlier today.
At a press conference in a hotel in Shah Alam later, Najib went on to say that the Selangor government's demolition of an altar in Sepang recently was more serious than Zulkifli's remarks.
"That's 1,000 times more serious than what Zulkifli said ten years ago. That (demolition) is a bigger slap for the Indians," he said.
He said the matter of Zulkifli's qualification to be fielded as a candidate under BN should not be raised further.
"It's history. In fact he is already championing Indian issues," he said.
He also said that Zulkifli left Pakatan Rakyat in 2010 because the former was asked to "slander" Najib by his party.
"But he is a man of principles. That is why he left them," he added.
Najib also rebutted allegations that former Umno Wanita deputy chief Kamilia Ibrahim was never offered a seat to contest in the elections.
"Ask the (Perak) menteri besar. We have offered the Bukit Chandan state seat to her," he said.
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