Friday, May 24, 2013

156. GE2004, 2008 and 2013 all null and void..illegitimate Govts

OPEN LETTER TO THE HOME AFFAIRS MINISTER, MALAYSIA Datuk Ahmad Zahid Hamidi challenged us to show proof that Electoral Rolls are improper hence affecting the General Elections results.
1.                   Before he would be given proofs, would he declare the General Elections 2004, General Elections 2008 and General Elections 2013 as null and void so that all payments to the elected representatives since 2004 be returned to the nation?  Would he also do it without going to the Courts as GE2004, and GE2008 has lapsed in the context of 21 days (to file) and 6 months to complete court process?  No other excuse  please Mr. Home Affairs Minister (HAM).
2.                   Some of those ruled illegal voters in the N13 Likas’s Election Court Case in 1999 where the Judgement against Yong Teck Lee (the winner) was made, were still in the Electoral Roll in GE2004.  So GE2004 should be declared null and void.  Do it now Mr. HAM.
3.                   The question of Gazette is for you to declare null and void.  There is a ‘stupid’ ruling that a Gazette once published cannot be challenged especially when it is concerned the Faulty Electoral Rolls.  So any Gazette published with wrong/inaccurate information should be considered null and void as Gazette must only contain correct information.  Election Commission declared that some 60,000 voters in Sabah Electoral Rolls were of questioned voters.  So the Gazette and the Electoral Rolls now challenged are both null and void.  So Mr HAM, please declare the GE2013 as null and void.    
4.                   Actually the Gazette for GE2004 P.U. (B) 163  contained errors, hence that Gazette is null and void and 21 days and 6 months are no effect for the results of the GE2004.  Mr HAM, please declare the GE2004 as null and void.  Otherwise this GE2004 can still be challenged by the voters be it in Courts or otherwise.
5.                   Mr. HAM, actually how can EC declared many results for the Parliament and State seats for GE 2004 and GE2008 for the winners when there are great discrepancies in the ballot papers issued.  In P028, the said discrepancy was 4,843 when the Parliament and State seats are compared in the ballot papers issued.  Ask EC to show you this proof and I just to mention it here.
6.                    Since GE2004 and GE2008 had been challenged by me in the High Court not as Election cases especially when frauds were detected, there is no time limits to review such cases.  I would urge Mr. HAM to consider complete review of the cases for GE2004 and GE2008 unless you now declare them null and void.  Was justice delivered by your court simply struck out my cases with costs?
7.                   Now the question before us is the GE2013 which is also loaded with Electoral frauds for various ingredients aforesaid mentioned.  The Electoral Rolls for the whole nation are loaded with project IC holders and such holders are confirmed in the RCI on illegal immigrants. So Mr Ham, are you to declare the GE2013 null and void with or without referring to the EC which is paid to do the ‘refereeing’ job but questioned to the bone?
8.                   Finally, if you and EC are not prepared to declared GE2013 null and void, please let the illegitimate BN Government with a faulty appointment hand over the power to the Pakatan Rakyat to avoid any further  inconvenience or undesirable events in the nation.
The whole nation is quite fed up with the ongoing agitation and the rallies post GE2013 when the majority gave their votes to PR where the Parliament seats majority for the BN could have been manipulated through the ballot boxes.  Could anyone accept that ballot boxes took more than 6 hours to arrive at the counting centre in Kota Kinabalu from a polling centre which is only 10 minutes away?  Was the said boxes manipulated in some ways?  Did EC lodge a Police Report against the news article in the local paper on that allegation of very late arrival of ballot boxes?  I think the ballot boxes and the electoral process in many marginal seats were similarly ‘manipulated’ in one way or another.  I also believe that there is a good practice that final counting could not start until all boxes had arrived.  So why such irregular practice had occurred?  There are also allegations of sudden blackout in some centre.  EC, please tell us why Election Results cannot be declared in daylight hours in the next day after proper checking to avoid any further electoral disputes especially those disputed/challenged cases? The formation of the incoming Government can also wait till next day or so.
Joshua Y. C. Kong   25 May, 2013    013-8394513

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